Friday, 26 February 2010


Zee came to stay and spent most of the time borrowing my phone and using the internet...

its got silly when he at one point had two laptops on the go and then told Bendie to get off his bed (i.e. the sofa)

Thursday, 25 February 2010


This week I are been mostly listenin' to tasty jams...

Our Good friend, Writer and DJ Shucks1 has done a tasty little mixtape of nice old funky grooves and HipHip...We like very much!!

To download or listen click here

For more from this spray can wizard you can peep his blog or check this youtube account for more true skool hip hop jems....KOOL!!!

we love you Shucks1!

Dem Steezy Mans Dem


Ghetlow are so Fashionable in the dangerous East End of London that fashionistas are licking our backsides...

whose that dapper gent third down on the Rokit Blog?!


Monday, 8 February 2010


As fans of the original Ghetlow Cribs (circa 2007) will know, we love a good stew, so as a special treat for all our shipmates here is a classic stew recipe which in honour of Leefull is of the Irish Variety (its got Guinness basically).

here are the ingredients

Beef, Carrots, Onion, Guinness, Red Wine, Beef Stock, Potatoes, Sweet Potato, Garlic, Salt, Pepper

First brown up the meat in a frying pan, adding garlic salt and Pepper

until it looks like this

then fry up your onions in the big pot with salt and pepper until they start to go nice and add the garlic. use zorros classic garlic tip of chopping it and adding salt to get a good consistency...the man knows his food.

at this point at the potatos and the secret weapon, the sweet potato, all chopped up and then pour in the bottle of Guinness

then pour in the wine (preferably french in honour of flo, but don't put it in if you are cooking for him)

top up with beef stock and bring to the boil. after a bit chuck in the browned meat and the carrots. and cook for as long as possible

serve with nice crusty bread. there would be a nice picture of it looking tasty here, but we were so hungry we ate it all, plus its not a great colour so it looks a bit like shit. but tastes great!!

happy stewsday!

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Street Star 2010....BOOM!

Its official, Sweden is the truth.

me and Jingy and willski (SFC) went, where we discovered the following.

It's mega cold. at one point it was -15 degrees, i never been so cold in my life. There was big time snow also as seen in this picture, where you can see Emma with some snow to get a sense of Perspective on it. thats a lot of snow.

They have a drink called Zingo, which Shingo liked as it is 'named like my name' so we took the obligatory photo to make sure people are aware of the similarity to avoid any future confusion.

Generally speaking Swedish people are very friendly and happy to chat english to you all day, which is great as i am rubbihs at other languages especially swedish which sounds like complete gibberish (though some say its melodic) but its more my problem than theirs, I am the one who is less able to communicate internationally so the jokes on me.

Shingo stayed with crazy grandma, all you b-fans out there will know what that means and its pretty dope. and she is very nice as well (though being swedish i would expect that)

the battles were all good, breaking is always good, me and Jing entered with the smiley faces/flow brothers connection called N.T.M. we didnt qualify but it was good to get the experience and that. the battle can be seen here...

The battles were ok, but in my opinion (which i am entitled to) i thought that Rugged Solutions and Nasty Feet should have been in the final. 4Funk were lucky to get all the way to the final as they only had a couple of strong members. Floorgangz UK got a raw deal in a three way and had a disappointing performance.

Trinity Held it up and qualified and Swifty got in the Tops battles too... all good stuff!

The real highlight for me was the voguing battles, they all smashed it check the final for the hypest shit ever. it kept me entertained big time

and there was a big nice house rave up half way which kept me happy. not cyphering, just dancing. brilliant.

apart from that i have not much to say, other than it was nice to travel with my boys and shingo and kazuki and aerial and sam and everyone else!

and the women in that country are amazing and i have never seen so many hot girls in one place at one time.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

2010......Ghetlow Pirates Teaser

Things have been a little quiet from the ghetlow camp the past year, with a few cheeky mini appearances going on but people have been wondering where we are at...

well its a new year and we are stirring into is a little taster of what we working with now,

a few of the boys got together and made this little promo to keep the fans happy,

not the full line up but look closely and you will see

Gumpy Knucks
Eddie Spoons
Jonny Jingles
Loui$ Dollar$
