Wednesday, 13 July 2011

ghetlow TV: Glasto, Woodso and champso special!!

Its back, we had a busy few weeks so its time to catch up with whats been going down!
july webisode featuring glastonbury highlights, woodsy's birthday UK champs gossip and a run down of things to come....PEEP PEEP!!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

and two more talking heads!

jammin and jingles also had a little chat, see what they had to say too!!

Zorro chatterboxing!

Zorro got involved in a cheeky little interview with the cats from winkball outside the regionals...check it out!

Sunday, 3 July 2011


keeping on the grind is key for the Pirates, and we got our fingers in many pies...flo and spoons are proud to be part of the team that brings you Attention to Detail.

Coming up this month we got the third ATD london brought to you in conjunction with Brassroots and Richmix. holding it on a friday this time means we have more time so can have a open qualifier too, so if you think you can hang then come get loose!! With 8 invited dancers and prizes from House of Billiam, Richmix, Strike Cover and Eastpak

to find out more check here and enjoy the flyer by our old pal woodsy...check his work out here!